Welcome everyone to Dionon's Bleach D20 Classless Supplements. I've put alot of work into these files, so if you're going to re-upload them anywhere, please give credit. The only work I don't take credit for is the first file, the Bleach d20 Classless system. I do however take credit for fixing a large variety of mistakes, misnomers, and incomplete work. Well, that's all I can say right now, I'll give my thanks to people after I put in the links.

Firstly, when I found the Bleach D20 Classless system, I was ecstatic. I had never before beheld an honest to god Classless D20 system and I instantly wanted to use it. The problem. It was unfinished, and honestly had many mistakes that made it unplayable. The solution. I fixed the mistakes, and created a small touch of new content (All of which is detailed in the supplement as well.) After that I placed it into PDF format for ease of download, and viola! Enjoy

The Main File in PDF Form

Once I was done doing minor content changes in the main book, I realized that the system was rather lacking important and interesting prestige paths and other such things such as a way to become a Bounto, or a way to become a Bakkutou Wielder. So I created that, and may more things. Here is all the work I've done to date (12/31/09)

The Main Supplement for the Bleach Universe

Once I was done there, I was hit with inspiration to create my own universe that took Bleach and expanded upon it to include some very real world threats, and some new and unique races. The new races are descendants of the four guardian gods of Kyoto and are known as the Shinkoukenjin. Then I realized, after finishing that, that even though I said they dealt with real world, non spiritual things, I realized I had nothing for them to fight, so I orginized the suppliment Nobunaga and the Oni Courts, which documents the rise from the ashes of Oda Nobunaga and his creation of a twisted mirror of the Soul Society. Please, feel free to enjoy what I've done, and if you're going to reup these anywhere, give credit.

My Universe: Shinkoukenjin

My Universe: Nobunaga and the Oni Courts

My thanks go out to many many people. Firstly to Tite Kubo for creating Bleach in the first place, and giving someone the inspiration to create a classless system based on it. Into the Void who created the first Bleach D20 system, Draxredd who adapted that to the Classless system and every one on the Giants in the Playground and Gleemax forums who inspire me to continue my work with D20. Special thanks go out to Jusditz and Zoultan, both of whom have a special talent to pick apart systems and break them in ways I've never thought of. Zoultan once killed a Fire Giant with Fire Damage at level 8... They aided me immensely in closing any stupidly overlooked glaring loopholes that power gamers would use to unfairly balance the deck towards them. Other than that, I think the last person I have to thank is everyone who enjoys my work, as it really does make me feel good when someone has fun using something I've created. Enjoy yourself.